¬ The Academic Year is from June to May.
The School has two ‘Terms’ in one Academic Year.
I Term : June to October or start of Diwali Vacations.
II Term : End of Diwali Vacations or November to May.
¬ Pupils have to pay the fees from time to time, according to the schedule fixed by the school.
¬ Since ours is a Private School and no direct or indirect aid is received from the Government, no concessions in the fees are available to pupils based on religion, caste or sex or any other reason.
¬ Fees are to be paid in installments as per the Fee Schedule which is published for every Academic Year and is available for viewing on the School Website as early as December preceding the Academic Year. The due date for payment is by the 12th of each month as per the schedule or a late payment will be charged. The late payment charge is intended not as an option but as a deterrent. Therefore all are expected to pay according to the schedule.
¬ Parent’s unable to pay the fees by the 12th of each month must inform the Principal in writing in advance and specify the date when they will be able to pay.
¬ Pupils who have a large amount of outstanding dues may also not be allowed to sit for an examination. Also, delay of payment beyond two months renders the pupil liable to be struck off the rolls. However, all dues till the end of the term/year will still have to be settled in order to apply for Leaving Certificate.
¬ School fees are due as long as Leaving Certificate is not applied for. Last date for applying for L.C. for an Academic Year is 12th April. Therefore, those who apply for the L.C. thereafter will have to pay School Fees for the new Academic Year.
¬ The Leaving Certificate without which a pupil cannot join any other school shall be refused to those who have not paid the fees and other dues.
¬ Pupils who desire to discontinue studies must take their Leaving Certificate immediately. A Fee will be charged for Leaving Certificates taken after a long time after discontinuing studies as also for Duplicate Leaving Certificates.